Composed of 36 members, the 校董会 (BOT) is the University’s policy-making body. Trustees must hold membership in a Baptist church during their tenure on the Board. Trustees affirm and maintain the University’s mission by setting policy, 聘用和评估总裁, 并对研究所的整体绩效进行评估.
Mr. 查克•戴维斯、椅子
Mr. 马克·福勒、秘书
Mr. Drue磅、副/金融
Mr. 瑞克奇怪前任主席
夫人. 辛西娅·皮尔森,副主席/助理国务卿
Mr. 布莱恩•亚当斯德州的伍德兰 董事会选举|任期于12/31/25结束 The people at Hardin-Simmons were essential to my growth as a Christian and a man. 我的家人觉得大是我们的第二个家. |
Dr. 凯文梁德克萨斯州Cleburne 董事会选举|任期于12/31/25结束 HSU was instrumental in the positive development of my body, mind, and spirit. The relationships built with my professors and coaches still impacts me today, 我很自豪能在董事会任职. |
Mr. 乍得布劳恩德克萨斯州的柏树 董事会选举|任期于12/31/25结束 我喜欢在大的时光. It prepared me for a wonderful career and created memories that will last a lifetime. |
Dr. 布拉德·巴特勒德克萨斯州的阿比林 董事会选举|可于2027年连任 HSU was foundational in preparing me not only for my professional career, 但也要为之奉献一生. 荣耀归与神! |
夫人. 琳达卡特德克萨斯州的阿比林 董事会选举|任期结束于2024年12月31日 I have been blessed by the HSU family for 35 years as FBC-Abilene University Minister, 一个研究生, 校友, 和受托人. It is such a joy for two of my grandsons to share that experience as students at HSU. |
Dr. C. 罗斯钱德勒德克萨斯州的大理石瀑布 董事会选举| 2025年可连任 我们家的生活受到了大的影响. God has used my beloved school to shape everything about me, and I’m deeply honored to serve. I love our faculty, 工作人员, and students, and I’m excited about the future. |
夫人. Vishia科尔曼德克萨斯州白人定居点 董事会选举|可于2027年连任 I am honored and humbled to be able to serve on the HSU 校董会. 我为大学的持续发展感到兴奋. |
Mr. 杰夫CoodyGrandfield,俄克拉何马州 董事会选举|有资格在2026年连任 我欠大一个人情. My experience at HSU was wonderful, and I had great times with lifelong friends. I am honored to serve with like‑minded people for the benefit of this great historical institution. 我记得博士. 鲁珀特·N. Richardson teaching me that the world is a small place and your influence goes much farther than you think! |
Dr. 克雷格咖喱德克萨斯州普莱诺 大会选举| 2027年可连任 I look back on my time at Hardin-Simmons as the best years of my life. 我交了有史以来最好的朋友, 我遇见并爱上了法伦, and it was there that I received the best training for a life of ministry. |
Mr. 杰森·达比德克萨斯州的阿比林 董事会选举|有资格在2026年连任 能回馈中文博彩平台是我的荣幸, 这所大学能给你超乎想象的体验. |
Mr. 查克•戴维斯麦金尼,德克萨斯 董事会选举|可于2023年连任 It would be difficult to overstate the positive professional and spiritual impact HSU has made on my life as a follower of Christ. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve this institution which has given so much to so many of us through the years. |
夫人. 塞尔达埃里森德克萨斯州Lockney 大会选举| 2025年可连任 HSU trained me well for my life serving in the field of education and in the community. 我第一次去是在60年代,之后就再也没有离开过! |
夫人. 凯拉全身心纽瓦克,德克萨斯 董事会选举|可于2027年连任 徐把我塑造成了今天的我. I am so grateful for the privilege to continue to serve and give back to my University. |
Mr. 马克·福勒德克萨斯州加兰 大会选举| 2025年可连任 My four years at HSU were the most formative years of my life because of the lasting friendships I made, 我所受的教育, 我的经历, 我也是在那里遇到我妻子的. |
Mr. 马克Ganaway德克萨斯州Colleyville 大会选举| 2025年可连任 I am thankful for 我所受的教育 at HSU and the lifelong friends that I made. I pray that the school continues to bless future students and families in a similar way. |
夫人. 朱莉Gentzel考夫曼,德克萨斯 大会选举| 2025年可连任 作为大毕业生的孩子,我从小就热爱大. 作为一名学生,我经历了人生中最美好的时光. I met my husband there, and learned how to fulfill my calling to teach children to read. |
Mr. 马克·格雷厄姆德克萨斯州Tuscola 大会选举| 2027年可连任 I am so thankful to HSU for being a great blessing in my life by connecting me to Christian professors, 工作人员, 还有朋友和改变人生的美好经历. |
夫人. 朱莉锤德克萨斯州的阿比林 大会选举| 2026年可连任 在许, 我能够培养我的信仰,发现真正的自我, 成长为领导者, 探索我对事奉的呼召, 建立终身的友谊. As a Trustee, I am honored to ensure these gifts are available to others. |
Dr. 吉米·基林德克萨斯州的阿比林 董事会选举|任期结束于2024年12月31日 It was a blessing to serve as head football coach at HSU for 21 years during which time I worked with many great people and coached hundreds of fine young men. |
亲爱的. 糖果高贵卢卡斯,德州 董事会选举|可于2027年连任 作为中文博彩平台的毕业生, 哈佛大学毕业生的女儿, 也是毕业生的妈妈, 我很感激你对信仰的投资, friendships and education that Hardin-Simmons has made in my life and family. |
Mr. 莱恩Northcut布达,德克萨斯 董事会选举|可于2027年连任 HSU has made a major impact in my family by providing a foundation in education and personal growth for my parents and for my two daughters. It was beneficial for them to attend a school where the professors and University 工作人员 take an interest in their success and well‑being. |
Ms. 辛西娅·皮尔森德克萨斯州的阿比林 董事会选举| 2025年可连任 虽然我毕业于丹佛的一所基督教高中, 许给了我一种更“宾至如归”的感觉, 热情地欢迎我, 即使是作为丹佛的转校生, CO; I’ve been in Abilene ever since. |
Mr. 杰里一个. 菲利普斯卢博克市,德克萨斯州 大会选举|任期于2026年12月31日结束 My time at HSU as a student was instrumental in my educational and personal development. 我很荣幸能为贵校服务,我也为贵校的未来感到兴奋! |
Mr. Drue磅德克萨斯州Colleyville 大会选举| 2027年可连任 Being a graduate and a parent of a graduate and a current student of HSU, I have a deep affection for HSU and the lifelong difference it makes in the lives of kids and growing God’s kingdom. |
Mr. 路易Revor墨菲,德克萨斯 董事会选举|可于2027年连任 HSU为我奠定了基础. I am thankful for the opportunity to help others benefit similarly. |
夫人. 黛西桑切斯德克萨斯州圣安吉洛 大会选举| 2026年可连任 I will always be indebted to HSU for it is during my college years that I learned what it meant for Jesus to be Lord of my life! |
Mr. 乔锋利麦金尼,德克萨斯 大会选举| 2026年可连任 The honor of serving on the BOT at HSU has been most enjoyable and rewarding. |
Dr. 丹•斯特尔贝尔顿,德克萨斯州 大会选举| 2026年可连任 在大的时光是我一生中最美好的时光. My professors and coaches did an excellent job in preparing me for my future and I met lifetime friends and my beautiful wife while attending this wonderful university. |
Mr. 瑞克奇怪得克萨斯州的米德兰 大会选举|任期结束于2024年12月31日 HSU让我能够直面生活中的所有挑战. 我将永远感激你. |
夫人. 吉尔爱尔兰人德克萨斯州的阿比林 大会选举|任期结束2025年12月31日 I am so grateful and humbled to be one of many entrusted in assuring that God’s Glory continues to shine in and through Hardin-Simmons大学. |
夫人. Roxi Vanstory德克萨斯州的新布朗费尔斯 大会选举|任期结束于2024年12月31日 HSU为你的余生奠定了道路和基础. 良好的环境和学习机会! |
Dr. 迈克尔·库珀·沃特斯达拉斯,德克萨斯 大会选举| 2026年可连任 这是一个荣幸和荣幸为中国赌博平台作为受托人, an institution that has blessed and educated so many persons over the years. |
Mr. 乔恩·惠勒得克萨斯州的米德兰 大会选举| 2027年可连任 I am so appreciative of my time at HSU; I’ve made many life-long friends and enjoyed experiences that I would not have had at a larger school. |
夫人. 安吉威利德克萨斯州的阿比林 大会选举|任期于2026年12月31日结束 I did a lot of growing up while I was at Hardin-Simmons among caring and capable professors and 工作人员. 我遇到了一生的朋友,他们至今仍影响着我的生活. |
Dr. 达林米. 木得克萨斯州的米德兰 大会选举|任期于2026年12月31日结束 荣幸地自1999年起作为牧师服事基督. 我没有从大毕业,但我在那里遇到了我的妻子. |