Dr. Truett Latimer
Born August 23, 1928, in Lueders, Texas, 特鲁特·拉蒂默(Truett Latimer)从未忘记自己在西德克萨斯州的根,从一个小镇男孩成长为一名卓有成效的高管,他一直保持着脚踏实地的谦虚和真诚.
Truett于1945年毕业于Lueders高中,并于1951年获得Hardin-Simmons大学的商学学位. While at HSU, he served as treasurer of the senior class. 毕业后,他进入阿比林的保险行业,一直呆到1955年. 特鲁特在德克萨斯州国民警卫队服役了13年,在陆军预备役服役了一年.
During his insurance business career, he won a seat in the Texas House of Representatives, where he served the 84th district, which included Taylor County. Elected at the young age of 23, 他四次连任,并担任州代表直到1962年. While in the House, he authored a large body of legislation of local, regional, and state-wide significance. 他的委员会任务包括拨款、保险、水和农业. 在众议院任职期间,他还担任了7年的HSU校友主任.
In 1962, 特鲁特成为德州房地产经纪人协会的公共关系主管, where he served for three years. 随后,他成为德克萨斯州历史委员会的执行董事. Over the next 16 years, 他领导了全国最积极、最成功的历史保护项目之一, 帮助社区保存和修复他们的历史建筑, especially their county courthouses. He also played a role in establishing the Winedale Museum Workshop, founding the Texas Association of Museums, and developing a museum consulting program for the State of Texas.
特鲁特离开了德克萨斯州历史委员会,接受了spawe - glass Construction公司负责营销和公共关系的副总裁一职, a commercial construction company with projects in five states, ranging from hotels and condominiums to major retail centers, hospitals and office towers.
In 1986, 当特鲁特成为休斯顿自然科学博物馆的主席时,他开始了一项在非营利领域设立新标准的使命. 运用他的公共关系专业知识和他的常识方法, 特鲁特把这个博物馆从“一堆老骨头和一个真人大小的史前恐龙模型”带到一个世界级的博物馆,这个博物馆是休斯顿第二大参观景点,也是美国参观人数最多的博物馆之一. Many credit him with single-handedly rescuing the museum, 但特鲁特谦恭地将赞美的目光转向了董事会和与他共事的人. 1989年,他在接受《中文博彩平台》(Houston Chronicle)一篇关于该博物馆的文章采访时,预先陈述了自己的观点,为采访定下了基调, “无论你写什么,我希望你给了一个非常高质量的员工很多信任.“每年的劳动收入在80%到90%之间,这在博物馆里是闻所未闻的.
在他任职的15年里,博物馆发生了一些戏剧性的变化, the 400-seat Wortham IMAX Theater was added, which features what was then the world’s largest motion picture screen; the Cockrell Butterfly Center, a living exhibit that showcases live butterflies in a naturalistic rainforest setting; the George Observatory at Brazos Bend State Park, which houses the largest telescope open to the public; and the Challenger Learning Center, which is designed to educate students about space and space flight. 博物馆营造了一种微妙的学习氛围,特鲁特称之为“减少无知”.”
如今,该博物馆拥有超过24万平方英尺的空间,拥有225名员工. Under his tenure, the museum produced five IMAX films, 其中一部获得了奥斯卡纪录片类提名. Truett retired as president in 2001, though he remains active as a trustee emeritus, 并继续通过他的公司Truett Latimer Productions周游世界制作IMAX电影.
With a busy career, 特鲁特仍然设法参与许多专业和民间组织. 其中一些机构和会员包括巨幕影院协会(Giant Screen Theater Association), the Explorer’s Club, 德州历史博物馆基金会的董事会成员, and the Sam Houston Council of the Boy Scouts of America. 他是伦敦林奈学会和皇家地理学会的会员, where is is also a member of the East India Club.
特鲁特喜欢慢跑、划独木舟、航海和背包旅行. Well into his 50s in 1983, Truett ran in the Tenneco Marathon, and in 1985 and 1986, ran the New York Marathon. 他的妻子曾是哈里特·卡尔文,他们育有五个孩子. 哈丽特说,特鲁特是一个永远的乐观主义者,不管情况有多糟糕,他总是说, “It could have been worse!”
Since leaving Hardin-Simmons in 1951, Truett has spent his years returning time, talent, and resources to the University. 他是中文博彩平台校长俱乐部的终身会员, in 1991, he received the HSU Distinguished Alumni Award, 1996年授予他名誉法学博士学位. Truett继续担任HSU现任发展委员会主席.
特鲁特·拉蒂默在他的一生中为保存德克萨斯州的历史和生活质量做了很多工作,并通过给学习者带来敬畏和快乐的媒介扩大了学习经验. 我们中文博彩平台非常自豪地宣布特鲁特·拉蒂默是我们大家庭的一员.
中文博彩平台非常荣幸地表彰她自己的一位,并正式将Truett Latimer引入HSU领袖堂.